#AngGandaGandoll: Vice Cosmetics Launches New Brow Collection

One can never really have enough brow products and Vice Cosmetics knows about it. GANDOLLS HOUSE PARTY The dark skies and drizzle did nothing to dull the whole gathering at Mckinley West Clubhouse to welcome Vice Cosmetics’ newest product line, Gandoll Brow product collection into the local beauty scene. While outside was all soaked streets […]

Three Lip Care Products You’d Want to Keep In Your Skincare Kit

Unlike other parts of our body, our lips doesn’t have the ability to produce sebaceous matter, or what we commonly known as sebum, that protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections and keeps it lubricated and moisturized. That’s why these little chops need more TLC (tender, loving, care) than any other part of your […]